Healing From Neutering: Here’s What To Expect

If your dog has recently undergone neutering surgery, there are many things you should know about their recovery process. Your veterinarian will have sent your pet home with postsurgical instructions, but most people have questions. Here are a few things you should know about your dog's recovery.  The Site On the day of the surgery, you will notice that your dog is quite swollen at the site of the surgery. He may have some bleeding, and will probably be very interested in the area. Read More 

Ways to Successfully Boost Your Confidence During a Veterinary Internship

The internship component of your veterinary school education allows you to take what you've learned in the classroom and apply it in a clinic environment. This is an opportunity to develop your skills as you work toward full-time employment following the completion of your degree. Even though you've learned a lot in your program, being in a real-world environment for the first time can sometimes be daunting—you may notice that the confidence you had at the start of the first day has begun to wane. Read More