Getting Maintenance Work Done To Your Studio Apartment? Board Your Cat For The Day

Living in an apartment that you rent means you do not have to worry about handling maintenance on your own. The first thing you will want to do when something goes wrong is call the landlord. You can help them determine whether the problem must be resolved right away or if it can be handled later on. If it is not an urgent issue, your landlord may give you a date in which the work will be done. Read More 

Features Of A Good Cat Boarding Facility

When you must travel and leave your cat, it is best to find a cat boarding facility where your cat can be comfortable and feel safe and secure. You can find cat boarding facilities with many options and features. Here are a few cat boarding facility amenities that can make sure that your cat is comfortable while you are away from home: Cat Sleeping Quarters:  A good cat boarding facility will have a sleeping cage for your cat that is away from other cats to provide them with privacy. Read More 

Preparing Your New Reptile’s Enclosure

Finding reptiles for sale and adding one to your family can be a great way to teach kids about responsibility and diversity. If you are thinking of purchasing a reptile, it's important that you take the time to create an enclosure that will keep your new pet healthy before bringing the reptile home. Here are three tips that you can use to prepare your reptile's enclosure so that he or she will be safe and happy living in your home with your family. Read More 

When A Cat’s Vomiting Becomes Serious

Cats have a reputation for their vomiting, especially when it's due to hairballs. The reality is that cats will often throw up and there's nothing seriously wrong with them. However, vomiting can also be a warning sign of something more problematic. If you have trouble distinguishing between "normal" cat vomiting and something that's a warning sign, read on to learn what you should look for in your cat's behavior. Continuous or Repeated Vomiting Read More 

Want A Pet? Why You Should Get An Emotional Support Animal

If you're thinking about getting a pet, you're making a great choice.  Animals can be wonderful companions, and they can also help to get you out of the house and moving when you take them walking.  However, while you may have been thinking about going to a breeder or purchasing an animal from a pet store,  it may be a better idea to get an emotional support animal (ESA.)  An ESA provides therapeutic benefits to their owner. Read More